CNN's Carol Costello Badgers CPAC Chairman over Same-Sex Marriage

CNN's Carol Costello Badgers CPAC Chairman over Same-Sex Marriage

You can watch below as CNN’s insufferable Carol Costello badgers, bullies, and pesters American Conservative Union Chairman (the organizers of CPAC) Al Cardenas over gay marriage and all things gay.

Costello had Cardenas on for about four minutes and every single question and query was about gay this and gay that…

It’s an unbelievable spectacle of media-bullying:

Major kudos to Cardenas. He couldn’t have handled this left-wing pest any better.

Remember all those times a CNN anchor badgered Netroots Nation organizers over giving a prominent pro-lifer a prominent speaking slot? Remember all those times a CNN anchor brought a Netroots Nation organizer on to interrogate them over not allowing someone opposed to same-sex marriage to have a voice?

Yeah, me neither.


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