If the CorruptMedia had its way, when polled on the question of Obama’s handling of Libya, voters would respond with, “What’s a Libya?” Unfortunately for the CorruptMedia, though, New Media now has a voice and the ability to mount an offensive in the form of a counter-narrative that has real impact. Nowhere is this more apparent than in a CBS/New York Times poll released yesterday that shows voters disapprove of Obama’s handling of Libya by a 51-38% margin.

When you consider the fact that Obama has a hard foundation of at least  47-48% of the vote, the fact that 10% of his hardcore supporters don’t approve of his (mis)handling of Libya and  3-4% outright disapprove, that’s really saying something. Especially in light of the fact that Obama’s media Palace Guards imposed an almost total blackout of the story.

Jennifer Rubin is correct in her assessment that…

Libya won’t be the decisive issue for the vast majority of voters, but it has cast Obama’s foreign policy leadership in a negative light.

 …and this has benefitted Romney in an area that Obama was supposed to have all to himself — foreign policy. I think it’s also helped Romney in the waning days of the campaign (pre-Hurricane), when Obama launched an all-out assault against Romney’s integrity. As the White House Libya narrative unraveled, Obama preaching about trust sounded ridiculous.

While Libya is no electoral game changer, this poll should hearten those of us in New Media. This is a big leap from 2008. We now have the power to get the word out and have an impact.

And this power will only grow over time.


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