Just as he tried to do to one of Andrew Breitbart’s scoops the day after Andrew’s  funeral, as I write this, BuzzFeed Politics’ chief BenSmither — Ben Smith himself — is flailing away in the hopes of downplaying the Daily Caller’s upcoming release of what both it and Drudge are advertising as never-before-seen video of Barack Obama.

At first, Ben Smith and his merry band of BenSmithers claimed to have the video and further claimed it was a big fat nothing….


…But they didn’t have the video..

Then Ben Smith and his merry band of BenSmithers retweeted someone who claimed to have the transcript….


….But they didn’t.

And now Ben Smith and his merry band of BenSmithers are BenSmithing their journOlist butts off with proclamations that the Daily Caller’s story is nothing-to-see-here; old news, so move along — time to talk again about how Romney’s losing the race and hates poor people.


Reminder: Smith is saying all of this about a story that hasn’t even been released.

The bottom line here is that Ben Smith and Mark Halperin and all the other members of the corrupt media have absolutely no idea what this story is or what it will tell us. And yet, here they are trying to get out in front of it. Not to scoop Drudge; not to add context; not to analyze or play up — but to kill it in the crib. No. Worse. They’re trying to abort it sight unseen.

You would think the idea of new video of a sitting president would excite legitimate journalists. You would think a potentially big, explosive, game-changing story would excite legitimate journalists. You would think the whole idea of it all would hit these self-proclaimed objective news junkie-reporters right in the sweet spot.

But instead, all they want to do is downplay it into a nothingburger, and make sure that even before it’s released that the message has gone out on the journOlist wire far and wide that this is not something we’re going to pay any attention to — except, of course, to mock and belittle it.  

Not for lacking of trying (and a little pleading), I have no idea what’s on the video.

It could very well be a nothingburger, or it could make the ’47 percent’ video look like child’s play.

But as far as I’m concerned, just the tantalizing tease of this story will be worth any potential disappointment because watching the lying, left-wing members of Obama’s Media Palace Guard so nakedly fret and worry and shill and crybaby has been the high point of my week.


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