ABC’s George Stephanopoulos is doing his part for team Obama to make sure that Mitt Romney’s performance at Wednesday evening’s debate is a disappointment, one that will surely lead to his losing the election in November.
On Tuesday morning’s Good Morning America, the former Clinton Administration staffer sternly warned that if Romney doesn’t exceed expectations in the debates, he’s finished.
Why? Because Romney is under “huge, huge” pressure, Stephanopoulos says. And “he’s behind right now,” so if he doesn’t overperform, he’ll be considered a failure.
There is always pressure to perform well at debates, granted, but what George Stephanopoulos is trying to do here is set up expectations of a great, sweeping Romney debate victory, one he couldn’t possibly live up to. Stephy hopes to damage Romney’s performance in the minds of ABC’s viewers before he even steps one foot on the stage Wednesday.
But this is par for the course for George Stephanopoulos. He’s spent the last 12 years trying to pump up Democrat presidential debate performances. The Media Research Center put together a great montage of Stephy news clips from the past three presidential debates, all of which show him effusively praising the performance of the Democrat candidates.
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