Yesterday Gov. Mitt Romney said he was “outraged” at the attacks on our Egyptian embassy and that Obama’s quick apology to the attackers was disgraceful. Today, BuzzFeed is running a drive-by story in which “very senior Republican foreign policy” wonks take Romney to task for going “political.” 

None of the “very senior Republican foreign policy” wonks are named, so we can’t be sure they are Republicans (or that they even exist), but their alleged criticisms of Romney are being spread far and wide nonetheless.

According to BuzzFeed, “another Republican” told them “it wasn’t presidential for Romney to go political so quickly.” 

Heather Hurlburt, one of the few sources BuzzFeed does name in the story, is affiliated with the National Security Network, a Democrat group. Not surprisingly, she was in full agreement with the “very senior” unnamed Republicans who criticized Romney for criticizing Obama’s foreign policy weakness. 

Perhaps, at some point today, a very, very, super-senior Republican foreign policy wonk will step up and counter BuzzFeed’s merely very senior wonk and Romney will be vindicated.