Liberal media conglomerate Huffington Post / AOL has a large space where Democratic delegates can do the Downward Dog — if they can make it past the Huffington Post Oasis security guards, that is. 

The Huffington Post Oasis is located just a couple of blocks from the Democratic National Convention center and offers services such as Yoga, meditation, spa services like reflexology, sleep consultations and ‘GPS for the soul’ demonstrations.

However, these services aren’t for the common 99% riff-raff. The Huffington Post Oasis is blanketed by private security and an iPad-wielding guard checking to see if you’re on the list. 

I’m a former HuffPo contributor and I’m still listed on the site, but I wasn’t allowed entry into the inner sanctum of peace and harmony. This is a tragedy because I was hoping to hear Arianna Huffington’s scheduled 4pm conversaton with Chef Marcus Samuleson. 

The beautifully designed brochure for the Oasis thanks corporate sponsors such as American Apparel, Fiji Water, and Palo Root Tea.