This evening, a CNBC Producer associated with the DNC slammed small business owners on Twitter, snidely stating that maybe they should “spend more time hiring American Workers with their record profits than blogging about Obama’s remarks.” This was after I shared an article from the Daily Mail which discussed how business owners, angry at President Obama for his remarks on success, slammed him saying he demonstrated an “utter lack of understanding.”

The conversation commenced:

Of course, I’m referring to the stimulus billions Obama outsourced to numerous countries for foreign job creation

Tomaso must have realized how partisan he came across as a news producer over at CNBC, so he promptly protected his account:

… and then deleted his biographical information and changed his avatar.

A reader notes that his Linkedin page (whole page saved, cropped to fit) displays some sort of affiliation with the Democrat Party. That’s fine, except should it be so blatant if you’re trying to cultivate an illusion of objectivity for your role as a producer? 

Tomaso operates under the economically-illiterate assumption that job creators are simply being obstinate in “refusing” to create jobs. No mention of the poor economic condition through which we’re currently suffering, or the administration’s attempt to seize the “profits” of these job creators to replenish the coffers of a big government spending binge. 

His economic ignorance isn’t the issue here, though, it’s that this entire conversation and the lockdown after is continued evidence of the hyper-bias in mainstream media.