Our friends at Twitchy have uncovered a tweet BuzzFeed Politics’ reporter Michael Hastings fired off at Richard Grenell, an openly gay Republican political consultant who worked for Mitt Romney until last May:

One wonders if insulting Grenell’s sexuality is okay with BuzzFeed Politics’ Editor-In-Chief Ben Smith.

After all, this is the same BuzzFeed Politics that back In May questioned Romney’s silence in the face of the anti-gay attacks Grenell faced once his sexuality became public:

The central question: Can the Romney campaign be blamed for keeping silent in the face of anti-gay attacks on the aide?

Well, now that those anti-gay attacks are coming from Smith’s own employee, will Smith remain silent?

Right now Ben Smith is only joking about it:

Hastings is obviously important to Smith. After all, Hastings is charged with covering the Obama campaign while being one of Obama’s biggest fans. Purely by coincidence, just yesterday, our own William Bigelow exposed Hastings’s shameless shilling for Obama on Current TV.

What’s a little anti-gay bigotry compared to all that valuable BenSmithing?


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