Since the beginning of the public union protests in Wisconsin, you can trace everything back to one over-arching puppet master and that’s a White House, which saw the crucial swing state of Wisconsin fall into Republican hands by a wide margin in 2010.

Everything about these crybaby teacher protests, the union violence, and a merry-go-round of recall elections is designed to keep Obama’s base ginned up and frothing at the mouth straight through to when it’s time to vote for him in November.

But there’s so much more going on just below the surface.

In her syndicated column today, Michelle Malkin looks deeper than the headlines surrounding Governor Walker’s June recall battle and at what’s happening to Wisconsin Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, a mother, cancer survivor and — as anyone with a brain can see — a potential GOP star. What Malkin found, though, is disturbing.

Not only is the Lt. Governor’s plight getting lost among those in her own party whose help she needs the most, but as is almost always the case with the Left, a mysoginistic campaign to dehumanize her into a sexual punchline is well underway:

The outlook for the unhinged Left’s secondary [recall] targets, however, is not so bright. Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, a tea party candidate who is not part of the GOP establishment, is being treated as collateral damage by the party. Outside of Wisconsin, most conservative activists are not even aware that she may be booted from office for simply doing her job. Kleefisch told me that on a recent fund raising swing in D.C., national GOP leaders were shocked to learn of her plight.

While Democratic femme-a-gogues continue their plaintive wailing about a “war on women,” Kleefisch has battled vile misogyny from liberal detractors. When lefty Wisconsin radio host John “Sly” Sylvester accused Kleefisch of performing “fellatio on all the talk-show hosts in Milwaukee” and sneered that she had “pulled a train” (a crude phrase for gang sex), feminists remained silent. A former television anchor, small businesswoman and mother of two, Kleefisch’s quiet work on economic development has reaped untold dividends for the state. But if conservatives who preach the gospel of fiscal conservatism do not act, the profligate progressives’ vendetta against Wisconsin may result in the first-ever recall of a lieutenant governor in American history.

Unfortunately, like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and even Malkin herself, Lt. Governor Kleefisch made the mistake of being a Left-wing apostate; therefore these kinds of openly sexist and indefensible attacks are receiving nowhere near the media attention they would were she a Democrat — you know, in her place.   

You’ll want to read all of Michelle’s column here.