– The cost of gas jumps 10 cents during ABC’s “World News” broadcast.
– Why was Fast and Furious not included as a main discussion in last night’s debate? The debate took place in Arizona of all places, a border state, a state being sued by the federal government for daring to enforced existing laws regulating illegal entry into the country via Arizona’s border.
– Romney and the mom blogs. Very interesting use of social media for a presidential candidate. Santorum, a homeschooler, should have jumped on this, considering the number of homeschool blogs.
– Study finds that newspapers are the most trusted source for news.
– Relatedly, all Gannett papers will go behind pay walls, except for USA Today.
– Oh my: Star Jones to return to “The View.”
– Fired ESPN writer asks readers whether they really believe he was motivated to purposefully write a really dumb headline.
– Chelsea Clinton expected to return to NBC. More robotic news shorts! Conspiracy time: Does anyone else think this is just a ploy to keep her in the public eye either for her mother’s sake or perhaps for her to make a bid for office at some point? Make no mistake — I fully believe that Chelsea Clinton will run for office at some point.
– Debate recap: