Stoking the Fire: Despite the fact that the comment was taken out of context, opportunities still abound to seize on Romney’s ‘I like to fire people’ gaffe.
- Cue Vice President Biden and DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
- Out in far left field, Huffington Post reports that Romney Likes ‘Being Able to Fire People’ for Being Gay.
- Meanwhile, GOP candidates Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich speak out in defense of Romney’s comment.
MTV Pretends Poetry Night Was Ron Paul Event: MTV’s website gushes, Ron Paul Inspires Poetry In New Hampshire. But not so fast, says Newser, which reports that the event’s organizers say it wasn’t a Paul rally at all. Newser reports: “organizers tell the Worcester Telegram & Gazette that it wasn’t a Paul rally, and estimate that in a crowd of 50-70 people, only four or five were Paul supporters. They say MTV even took lines from poems out of context to make them appear pro-Paul.”
Wall St Journal: 96% of Negative Super PAC Spending Since Iowa Has Targeted Gingrich
Sex? Really?: The Guardian says Republican candidates are obsessed with sex. Yeah, they went there.
Daily Caller: Color of Change claims another scalp: MSNBC indefinitely suspends Pat Buchanan