My Walkout Song For Questlove

My colleague John Nolte blows the lid off the weak excuse used by Questlove to deflect the Fishbone/Michele Bachmann fallout. Questlove ratted himself out in the lastest issue of Rolling Stone:

When the Fallon/Bachmann controversy first exploded, Questlove issued a statement claiming that his decision to introduce the Congresswoman to the show with the Fishbone song “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” was “tongue-in-cheek” and a “spur-of-moment decision.”

And yet…

In a Nov. 21 interview with “Rolling Stone,” Questlove told the interviewer of his plans to do exactly what he did:

“I’m gunning for Bachmann,” Questlove, a vocal Obama fan, told Rolling Stone. To put a time stamp on the comment, the magazine wrote that during the interview, he was “looking up walk-on songs for next week’s shows.”

Continued Questlove, “I want to try and do Fishbone’s ‘Lyin’ Ass Bitch.’ I just don’t know if I’m gonna tell Jimmy.”

And it’s excused with a disingenuous, diluted apology.

I love any type of music–so long as it’s good–and own a massive music library with a quantity that surpasses mid-five figures. I first caught the video below one afternoon and have loved it ever since. I was initially going to post it after this incident first flared up, but thought better of it as the language is NSFW. However, after this latest, methinks some boys need a reminder on how to be gentlemen. Enjoy.

[youtube f8cHxydDb7o nolink]


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