We’re already seeing how desperate the Left and their MSM allies are as 2012 nears, the economy sputters, Dems abandon ship, and Obama’s poll numbers continue to stay in the cellar.
Just last week, just before the Thanksgiving holiday, the Obama campaign and their MSM pals went apoplectic with phony outrage over an ad released by Governor Mitt Romney. The only real mistake the Romney ad made was a tactical one in that it gave Obama and his Media Palace Guards the ammunition they crave to to keep the focus on anything other than Obama’s failed record. Later, Democrats went even further and attempted to call the Romney ad — you guessed it — racist. The reasoning is so stupid I won’t waste your time, but The Hill has more.
Now Slate wants us to believe that the ad below, which quite accurately attaches Mass. Senator Scott Brown’s challenger Elizabeth Warren to Occupy Wall Street, is — you guessed it — sexist.
Judge for yourself:
Slate’s absurd rationale:
The Crossroads GPS ad against Elizabeth Warren works not just by portraying her as radically liberal, but by implying that she is unhinged. After showing chaotic scenes of angry young mobs and what looks like a street explosion, and noting that protestors “support radical redistribution of wealth and violence,” the ad cuts to a clip of Warren’s “class warfare” speech, with the volume turned way down, so that the viewer cannot hear the warmth in her voice or the substance of her argument. She is gesticulating strenuously, and the scene implies passion without reason.
Images of female candidates looking angry or self-righteous are a staple of negative ads; the implication seems to be that they are out of control, overtaken by their own emotions and, utterly unfit for office. Nevada Sen. Harry Reid showed his opponent Sharron Angle first smiling sweetly, and then with her face contorted with feeling. “Not just extreme,” the ad intones: “dangerous.”
What’s going on here is that in collusion with their media allies, Democrats are attempting to make Republicans gunshy about launching ads that effectively criticize and define them. Everything in the Warren ad is true and even after you read Slate’s nonsense, there’s not a single frame that comes close to crossing any kind of line.
But the MSM’s tactics here are not about truth or clarity or informing the public; they are about distracting from the issues that should define the 2012 election.
Because the MSM doesn’t want to talk about Obama’s failed economic record, they took the Romney ad and turned a perfectly harmless out-of-context quote into a day-long narrative that intentionally kept Romney from getting his message out and, by extension, questioned the Governor’s honesty and credibility.
And today, because Slate knows that any Democrat connected to the deplorably violent, anti-Semitic and anti-American Occupy Wall Street movement is in trouble, they threw Elizabeth Warren a lifeline in the form of an “ism” — sexism — in order to avoid having to talk about the inconvenient fact that Warren actually is connected to the deplorably violent, anti-Semitic and anti-American Occupy Wall Street movement. “Let’s not talk about that FACT,” Slate is saying. “Let’s talk about how Karl Rove is sexist!”
See how that works?
The good news is that if the MSM and Democrats are this transparently desperate and, if they’re showing their cards this early, they must really be worried.
The best news, however, is that Occupy Wall Street is perceived as a liability for Democrats. Because that’s one limb they all climbed out on.