Sound Bite of the Day: Mike Malloy Blames Occupy Violence on… Breitbart

No, I’m completely serious. I know.

Mike Malloy, that bastion of bountiful braininess to whom no one would listen if Larry O’Connor didn’t post his remarks on, says Andrew Breitbart is responsible for Occupy Oakland violence.

“… this movement is attracting its share of provocateurs I’m sure send by scum like Andrew Breitbart and the rest of these freaks to try to disrupt what is essentially at this point, a peaceful movement.”

So “right-wing pig” Andrew Breitbart sent “provocateurs” to Oakland to vandalize businesses including the Whole Foods, and the brave, peaceful Occupy protesters stopped it. Look at them stopping it:


I’m sure that man was just trying to smother the flames with his flag.

These gentlemen are calling for someone to come and put out the flames started by Andrew Breitbart.

I ask Mike Malloy now to produce his evidence that Andrew Breitbart himself sent people to vandalize anything or apologize for his rabid insinuation. Yes, I know it’s a fruitless effort, but all the same I’d like to put him on the spot simply by asking.

There’s also this:

This article from the San Francisco Chronicle makes it clear that a number of Occupy Oakland protesters do in fact support or condone the violent protests, while others believe in forcibly shutting businesses down, even if nonviolently.

Care to refute, Malloy?


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