NBC's Touré: GOP Won't Accept Cain Harrassing A White Woman

9/11 Truther Touré is at it again, this time insisting that Herman Cain will lose GOP support since Sharon Bialeck stepped forward because she is white.

Via FoxNation:

HOST: “Toure, you were just nodding your head agreeing with Karen? What, on the ethnicity of the accuser?”

TOURE: “Yes, absolutely. Charles Blow was talking about this the other day. What sort of comb, he says, does these women use? We’re going to see how open the GOP is to this black — their ‘new black friend’ when they find out he is harassing blonde women as opposed to black women. That sort of thing of black sexuality — predatory black sexuality. Very frightening in this country, still. Very threatening. So we’ll see how that plays out. “

Everything comes back to race with Touré, as if somehow the color of Cain’s and Bialeck’s skin determines Cain’s innocence or guilt. We can’t simply look at the accusations alone; thus Touré sets the GOP up to either be racist, if the facts end up convicting Cain in the public eye, or sexist if the facts prove him innocent and his accusers guilty.

Touré’s reasoning, for the lack of a better term, is astonishing here as he substitutes race for any legitimate, original perspective on the issue. It’s 2011. Let’s leave race out of it for once and let the facts speak for themselves.


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