Oh, but he was speaking figuratively. Of course. Dig the #newtone.

I’m curious as to how Feingold plans to validate his freshman Marxism 101 accusation that billionaires got their wealth by stealing from the poor.

The Wall Street Journal in 2007 published a study which showed that the vast majority of the American wealthy are nouveau riche as their wealth is, on average, less than 13 years-old. Contrary to Feingold’s hysteria, these new wealthy are self-made entrepreneurs, not robber barons. They earned their money through commerce. Such success used to be celebrated as evidence that the American Dream still existed, that you too can start from nothing and make it anywhere in America so long as you have the will and persistence. What you put into it is what you get out of it. Since the breakdown of the American psyche by Marxist-loving liberals, the American Dream is now something of which successful Americans should be ashamed. How dare Americans who work hard reap any reward from their work! They should pay their fair share!

Except they do. They pay theirs, yours, and everyone else’s. Analysis of tax data shows that the top 5% pay 58% of all federal income taxes in the United States, while the bottom 50% pay less than three percent.

Forbes last week released their list of the 400 richest Americans and moving on up into the top twenty were a handful of new billionaires, all self-made Internet tycoons who made their riches from software or social media innovation. That these self-made Americans exist on the list shatters the tired progressive talking point that the rich just inherit their wealth. But what if they did (and some have)? A person made wealthy from their hard work has every right to leave a monetary legacy to their family. Afterall, this is America, isn’t it? Feingold hasn’t yet achieved his dream of Marxist Mediocrity, has he? What makes Feingold think he’s entitled to the fruit of work in which he had no hand? That’s the sort of thinking that used to make men feel ashamed. Now many lack the modesty and self-respect needed for the feeling.