It’s not just that Crooks & Liars doesn’t agree with the tea party – they don’t even believe that there is any such thing. In an article today talking about Judith Miller’s comments on Fox News about the recent hookup of CNN and the tea party for the GOP debate, C&L writes:
What Miller failed to point out is that the “tea party” is primarily a media creation from her current employer Fox, and CNN, who have both been heavily promoting the so-called “movement” ever since Rick Santelli gave his preplanned rant back in 2009 that John wrote about here.
Karoli’s recent C&L piece, (my emphasis):
For a very long time, I have been ranting about how CNN is trying to keep the tea party viable and present them as something other than what they are. From their hiring of Dana Loesch and Erick Erickson to their shameless promotion of the very corporate, AstroTurf Tea Party Express bus tours, CNN has been on the job.
All that positioning as the best tea party network in television should reflect in the ratings their little tea party debate receives tonight. After all, this group is less popular than just about anyone else in the country, even among their own members…
Karoli, bless her heart, has a long record of being totally wrong on things so when she implies that the ratings of CNN’s ‘little tea party debate’ are going to suck, it makes me wonder how the rating actually were.
Lo and behold, like clockwork, Karoli gets it totally, completely wrong – and of course NO mention of this wrongness on the Pravda of Crooks & Liars.
CNN’s Tea Party debate wins cable news ratings | Reuters
CNN’s Tea Party debate delivers rare ratings victory
Apparently, the Astroturf audience is higher than previously thought …