Oops! While Soros Blogs Blame Conservatives, Hoffa Tells TPM: "I'd Say It Again"

Soros blogs were left scrambling late yesterday evening after spending all day carefully constructing a house of cards narrative designed to spin Jimmy Hoffa Jr.’s incendiary remarks into a positive light. Media Matters specifically accused Fox News of “editing” Hoffa’s remarks — apparently “editing” them in real time as they came out of his mouth — and further blamed conservatives such as myself for “buying into it.” (It’s also important to mention that MMfA is a union-funded blog defending a union in this story.)

Right-wing bloggers misled by dishonest Fox News video editing are attacking Teamsters President James Hoffa, Jr. for supposedly urging violence against Tea Party activists during a Labor Day speech. Conservatives are also attacking President Obama, who appeared at the event, for “sanctioning violence against fellow Americans” by failing to denounce Hoffa.

Media Matters and other progressives hammered away with their ridiculous “edited video” narrative, their only defense for the rest of the day:

Loesch’s comments in particular were already way over the top. But they became truly embarrassing at around 3 p.m., when the whole story collapsed after Fox finally got around to airing what Henry had called the “full quote” of Hoffa’s “take these son of a bitches out” comment …

Except later on, after Soros bloggers spent so much effort attempting to spin this as a “doctored” video, Hoffa doubled down on the remarks and made it very clear that he wasn’t talking about “voting.” TPM inadvertently wholly destroyed the careful narrative Media Matters spent literally all day fabricating:

Teamsters union president James Hoffa would say it all again if he could, he told TPM Monday.

Hoffa riled up Fox News and the right wingMonday with a Labor Day speech in Detroit in which he called Republican members of Congress “sons of bitches” and said union workers are ready to “go to war” with the tea party next year and “take out” Republicans at the ballot box.

Hoffa said he’d say the exact same words all over again.

“I would because I believe it,” he said. “They’ve declared war on us. We didn’t declare war on them, they declared war on us. We’re fighting back. The question is, who started the war?”


Progressive Fox News watchdog Media Matters For America charged that the clip had been deceptively edited in Fox’s re-airing of it.

Hoffa said his tough tone reflects the nature of the forces massed against unions — and tells the truth about the dangers faced by organized labor and their allies in the progressive movement during the Republican ascendancy.

Not only did TPM obliterate Media Matters’ lie that Hoffa didn’t say the words he actually said, but they refused to defend them in their piece, stating only that Media Matters “charged” that Hoffa’s remarks were made up — not that they were — in an article where Hoffa not only claims them, but doubles down on them and mentions “war” eleventy frillion times.

Someone at TPM got a very angry call from Media Matters last night, most definitely. I can’t wait to see what Media Matters spins today!


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