Using his now familiar bumbling, bewildering and bombastic delivery, Al Sharpton premiered his brand new show on MSNBC, “Politics Nation” with an attack on the GOP presidential candidates saying they want to bring the country back to pre-1960’s segregationist times. He also promised that this was what his show was going to be about.
Considering Mr. Sharpton’s entire career up to this point has been defined by making loud accusations of racism through a bullhorn, we should not be surprised that this will be the content of his NBC News program. Lean Forward, indeed.
” … those that want to bring this country back to the pre-1960s where people did not have the protection of a national government that would make sure they could not be ruined or ruled by those that had regional biases.”
Yes, because apparently the 10th Amendment, which says “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people,” is racist.
Pushing aside the bewildering remarks about Reagan’s “anti-government agenda” (WTF?) and his inability to tease the next segment, does Sharpton even know what the 10th Amendment says or its meaning? Does he know the difference between states’ rights and anarchy? Does he not understand that communities are robbed of their voice and civic participation when their ability to affect change in their areas is removed from them and consolidated at the federal level, in Washington D.C.., beyond their reach? Apparently not. No wonder he prefers centralized control; he’s buddies with the people who hold the reigns.