You can always count on Illinois Democrat Jan Schakowsky to maintain the level of #newtone we’ve all come to know and love in politics.
After intervening on behalf of far-left protesters with possible links to various terrorist groups including Hamas, after calling bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound a “crime scene” thus suggesting that our Navy SEALS are criminals, Schakowsky completes a hat trick by calling for the exclusion of media critical to her. She also labels Bigs publisher Andrew Breitbart a “sleazebag.” From Founding Bloggers:
[youtube 6FjUthrUjoo nolink]
Says citizen journalist Andrew Marcus:
She probably feels this way because while covering the Schakowsky-Pollak congressional race last year on behalf of Big Government, Founding Bloggers and Adam Sharp of Sharp Elbows had the temerity to ask Representative Schakowsky some basic questions that she couldn’t/wouldn’t answer: 1) Where in the Constitution does Congress have the authority to force someone to buy a product or service? 2) What is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and what is Democratic Socialism? Jan is a long-time supporter of the DSA, but for some reason she is shy about this association.
[youtube y6PEQ5Q2yZ0 nolink]
What Schakowsky really means is that she is above answering critical questions from voters and that such a freedom should be excluded from political discourse. Why do voters continue to allow themselves to be treated this way by the people they elect? Why do people who say they believe in a free press tolerate the suppression of that press and the derision of it by politicians who feel that, once elected, they are beyond reproach?
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