MMfA Denies Hamas Is a Terrorist Organization

I enjoy the simple fact that George Soros pays people to monitor my radio show and post – what is their term? – “selectively edited” video on their website. I believe I am now on record as creating more jobs than our current administration.

Today I said that the President sided with the terrorists on Israel. He would rather give the holiest sites to Jews and Christians to Hamas, the terrorist government of Palestine. He would rather, according to his remarks on the 1967 boundaries, leave Israel unable to protect itself.

Apparently, Media Matters doesn’t believe that Hamas is a terrorist organization, even though they are classified as such by our own United States government.

Look at the bottom of this screengrab:

Get the full podcast of today’s show here (May 19, 2011 parts 1&2), plus interviews with Big Journalism contributor and Israeli Evan Pokroy and new Thursday DLRS regular, Big Peace Editor Peter Schweizer:

[youtube iB_yfMGRhdg nolink]

[youtube eqq680RvwP8 nolink]


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