Helen Thomas, Too Controversial Even for CodePink

Helen Thomas is in the news again. This time not for saying something outrageous, but for not saying anything. Since her unceremonious firing from Hearst, Thomas has been the darling of the Anti-Israel left. She was even awarded a lifetime achievement by CAIR, unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist funding case.

Following her statements that Jews should go back Europe and leave “Palestine”, Thomas has been doubling down in subsequent interviews. She repeated this sentiment over and over again, on the “Joy Behar Show” and Playboy interview to name a couple. She also added the patently false statement that there was no anti-Semitism in Europe following World War II.

On May 21st AIPAC will be hosting Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The radical group, Move Over AIPAC, will be there organizing an “action” to protest both AIPAC and Netanyahu. They invited Thomas as their keynote speaker. Thomas would have been joining such luminaries as Medea Benjamin, founder of terrorist supporting Code Pink, John Mearsheimer, Noura Erekat and Stephen Walt. There will, of course, be workshops on Boycotting and Divestment.

The problem started when coalition members and grassroots participants took issue with the fact that some of Thomas’s statements had sparked controversy. Pay attention, not because of the content of those statements, but because of the controversy around them. It’s not like other people attending don’t have well known views on Israel. Code Pink is known for its ties to Hamas. Mearsheimer and Walt published a poorly researched anti-Israel screed masquerading as a book on public policy. Noura Erekat is well known for lecturing at universities on Israel’s targeted bombing of civilians.

Interestingly enough, the press release announcing the fact that Thomas wouldn’t be appearing has been scrubbed from the Move Over AIPAC website.

Obviously this is just another event in the left’s sorry decline from purported defender of human rights to supporter of the favored ethnic group du jour. Peace groups that give aid and support to terrorists long ago gave up the use of that moniker but that, of course, isn’t the story here.

The fact that the once respected Thomas is no longer accepted in polite company isn’t news anymore. It’s when groups that have no problem calling for the removal of Israel, a state which respects human rights, and replacing it with another Islamic thugocracy think you’re too controversial to appear then you know you’ve arrived.


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