The takeway from this is Vivian Schiller’s remarks that she’ll be back —

”I’m not done. I certainly plan to stay in journalism. I feel too passionate about it, and so yes, I will be back in some position at some point in the not too distant future.”

— but the remark, or question rather, that floored me was when Schiller was point-blank asked if her troubles resulted because she was a woman.


“There’s been six months of tough things you’ve had to deal with … did you find any time during that that being the woman executive made a difference maybe had a harder kind of pressure on you that a man in that wouldn’t have as much criticism or as much pressure on them?”

Exhibit 93 in perpetuating sexist stereotypes. Feminists say they don’t want to be victims but then perpetuate the victim role by believing it’s their inability to stand and pee which invites scorn rather than job performance. The question was idiotic and while goofy things have tumbled from Schiller’s mouth in the past, I’ll extend her the credit of not accepting the sexist Get Out of Jail Free card.

“I would not go so far as to say that there was more pressure on me, more criticism … because I was a woman.”