But, but, we were promised that if he was elected the world would love us. What happened?
Barack Obama’s visit to Brazil had a very unpromising start after police had to quell riots against the U.S. in Rio de Janeiro with rubber bullets and tear gas.
The U.S. President landed in the capital of Brasilia with his wife and daughters, visiting the country on a mission to re-assert trade links with Latin America.
But the day before he landed Brazilian military police fired on 300 demonstrators who had gathered outside the U.S. Consulate in Rio.
Mr Obama’s visit to the region’s economic powerhouse is the centrepiece of his effort to re-engage with neighbours no longer content with being relegated to Washington’s ‘backyard’ and where the United States faces rising competition from China.
But after the riots he was forced to cancel an outdoor speech that he was set to give in a Rio square.
I’m surprised they’re not rushing to shake his hand because after all, his moratorium against Gulf deep water drilling created a boon for Brazil.
Your mission: be the press. Spin a new, Obama-positive caption for the above photo. Winners will be posted below this evening.
tea partiers flew to brazil today, at the request of sarah palin ,to harass president obama. the protesters were gently moved to a safe area through the use of rubber pyrotechnic aids.
“Wait a second? Did I just hear the n-word?”
– “Brazilians confuse U.S. Flag for Israel’s.”
lqxpl 72p:
“Emblazoned on an American Flag, ‘Obama Go Home,’ is a heart-warming statement of acceptance of the American President. It is obvious that the Brazilians feel that President Obama is indeed the first post-American president, comfortably at home wherever he travels.”
Tea Party-like riot in Brazil erupts in response to visit from the first black president of the United States.
Editor’s note: Apologies for the delay in announcing winners. Yours truly is momentarily down for the count with a very bad upper respiratory infection.
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