Well Of Course MSNBC Folks Didn't Like Palin's "WTF"

Last week Chris Matthews called Michele Bachmann a “balloon head.”

[youtube KTK5t6l8TWE nolink]

Suddenly! Virgin ears and sensitive constitutions.

[youtube KTK5t6l8TWE nolink]

From a network that took part in the fake baby Trig speculation that occurred when Sarah Palin first appeared on the national stage, WTF is suddenly “juvenile.” It’s not juvenile, it’s hysterical and an obvious joke. When did progs become such clenched cheek, non-humorists? I thought conservatives were supposed to be stiff and unfunny. Geez. Stop stealing our stereotypes!

Later in the broadcast the political equivalent of Chris Kattan’s character from “Night at the Roxbury,” Alan Grayson, says “STFU.” Matthews response?

“Oh. Oh yeah. I got cha. ‘Stop talking’ in crude language.”

Right-o then.


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