Absolute Proof That MSNBC Believes Their Viewers Have The IQ of Potato Salad

There are those who think that the 10-15 regular viewers of MSNBC have to have an intelligence level somewhere between burnt toast and potato salad. After all, they are regularly fed progressive propaganda dressed up as news and come back for more.

Today, America’s progressively biased network prove that they too believe their viewers are pretty empty from the neck up, with an on air demonstration of the federal debt ceiling that included one of a reporters Richard Lui, wearing a white t-shirt. Written on the t-shirt (in red pen) is the word spending, and the reporter is crouching under, you guessed it, a low ceiling. Get it! How creative.

Watch this asinine performance:

[youtube M7X9ENhE7t4 nolink]

By the way, Richard Lui’s explanation isn’t exactly correct, the debt ceiling is not a credit card limit, those limits are set by a lender and the debt ceilings are self-imposed. The debt ceiling is not a cap on spending, that would be called a spending freeze. The Debt ceiling is a limit on the gap between spending and revenue.

In the end it seems that the MSNBC reporters are just as clueless as their viewers.


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