Good on the New York Post’s Michael Goodwin for batting away the warnings of “Islamaphobia” in the wake of the 911 mosque:
Hate crimes are up 14 percent across the state, but those against Muslims are a tiny fraction. Of the 683 reported to police in 2009, only 11 targeted Muslims. Yes, 11. In 2008, there were eight.
Compare that with the 251 against Jews, or 37 percent of the total. Anti-black crimes were down slightly, to 144, or 21 percent of the total.
The biggest rise was in crimes against gays, from 70 to 107.
Remember those numbers the next time someone, maybe someone in City Hall or the White House, warns against a rising tide of Islamophobia. Use the facts to shut them up.
I hope the White House reads this. There have been more honor killings or other related violence, perpetuated by Muslims, in the United States as NYC Muslim “hate crimes” yet I don’t see the President warning of such violence – in fact, Eric Holder can’t even identify terrorism as being statistically associated with Islam.
These crimes are in the US alone, occurring this year or in the past few:
Atlas Shrugs: Rifqa Bary: Teenage Apostate in America
The Fort Hood Killings: Murder in the Name of Islam
The Panty Bomber: Epic Government Fail
NY Muslim Who Beheaded His Wife Claims He Was “Abused”
Queens, NY Muslim pleads guilty after stabbing wife to death
Muslim Father in Arizona Apprehended for Running Down His daughter with a car for being too American
New York Post: Honor Killings are on the Rise
NY Wife Slashes Husband’s Throat for Not being Muslim Enough
TEXAS DAD “HONOR” KILLINGS, 17 & 18 Year-old Girls
(Many thanks to the tireless efforts of Atlas Shrugs’ Pamela Geller, an invaluable voice against Islamic extremism.)
This photo is from … San Francisco.
Muslims marched in opposition to Israel in the Gaza war, which began when Palestine refused to play by the agreed-to rules and began lobbing missiles over into Israel. More unbelievable photos here.
In 2009 one of the most hateful, terrorist-sympathizing rallies took place in its streets with people chanting support for Hamas.
Goodwin notes that the “hate crimes*” against Jews are higher than Muslims:
Compare that with the 251 against Jews, or 37 percent of the total
But don’t look for the White House to issue warnings against anti-semitism.
(*Can we all agree that the phrase “hate crime” is ridiculous? ALL crimes are motivated by hate.)