Newsweek Keeps It Klassy

And I really like Jane Lynch, too. I’ve yet to see a role in which she wasn’t great. The interview in which she and Dan Savage participate about being gay and bullying and gay bullying is pure comedic awesomeness in that as they say “F-ck McCain” and Lynch silently sits while Savage calls Antonin Scalia a “c–ksucker,” she and Savage switch and discuss how bullying, what they just did, is bad. Irony is funny!

Savage: F–k John McCain–put that in NEWSWEEK.

Lynch: Yeah, I say it too, to the second power.

Savage: Really, when it comes to gay rights, there’s two wars going on. The first war is political. But the culture war is over. Between Glee and Ellen and how integrated and accepted LGBT adults are, that’s done. So it’s very frustrating to be steeped in how culturally accepted we are and know that there’s all these legislative things that we just can’t seem to make any progress on.

How long until there’s an openly gay president or Supreme Court justice?

Savage: Scalia isn’t gay?!? I always think the biggest homophobe in the room is clearly a c–ksucker!

I remember when I was a kid I felt really badass using over-the-top offensive descriptions and curse words around my other smart-aleck prepubescent friends, because I could. Then I realized how stupid it all was when I grew up. I revisited that feeling while reading this article. What was the point of publishing this? It’s as fluffy and inconsequential as a cotton ball. I realize that Newsweek is as thin as the one-ply in a roadside gas station bathroom and that perhaps they just needed content, but if you go to the effort of physically printing it, maybe make it worth the effort?


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