NYT Paints Fairy Tale Caricature of Obama

How on earth do you not challenge a statement like this?

“I think it speaks volumes about the man’s temperament,” said Robert Dallek, the presidential historian. “He doesn’t crave the spotlight the way some of these other presidents have. They needed to be constantly in the eye of the public; it propelled them into politics in the first place. Obama is less that way; he is more of a self-contained person, someone who can genuinely spend time by himself with his family.”


He is not the first. Ronald Reagan played host to the queen of England at his mountaintop ranch in Santa Barbara, Calif., but he rarely invited members of his own cabinet there.

That the author of the article didn’t circle back with a question as to why a leader who’s appeared on everything from the late night talk shows to Mythbusters, earned him a write-up in Politico with the headline “The Everywhere President” “doesn’t crave the spotlight.”

Did you miss President Barack Obama the other day discoursing on college basketball on ESPN? Then perhaps you caught him instead Thursday night chatting with Jay Leno on “The Tonight Show.”

Wondered how the first family stays in such fine shape in the White House? Michelle Obama described their morning workouts earlier this month in People magazine. Last winter, before taking office, the president-elect and his wife also shared their thoughts on the family’s eating habits for Parents magazine.

From CNN to Men’s Journal, Obama has decided to make himself the Everywhere President.

In an era where people can be famous for no reason other than being known, a tautologous way of climbing the ladder when fame amounts to experience and weight on a resume; Barack Obama isn’t the first president to exploit this ascent up the ladder but he is the first president to be made entirely from it. The first reality president. The “Barack Obama Show” began with his 2004 DNC keynote, after which he was, and continues to be, everywhere. The main difference between Obama and Reagan is that Reagan was a better actor. (And a more skilled leader with better policies, but definitely, better actor.)

The only other ways Obama and Reagan are alike:

a) They’re both humans

b) And men

c) Are/were President, respectively

Either the author of this article is:

a) A one-month old infant wunderkind who is unaware that the President has had more airtime selling himself and his policies than Suzanne Somers selling skin care products on QVC.

b) Someone who has no access to a television or access to high-speed Internet with which to see mention of the President’s moonlighting.

c) A reporter who thinks that doing good journalism is whatever amounts to making the President look good, replete with a plethora of Reagan references because 1) conservatives love him and 2) he’s dead, which is the only sort of conservative liberals feel safe enough to allow themselves to like.

Lastly, can we please stop comparing socialists-turned-more-moderate-leftists-due-to-November-2nd to Reagan? They’re Democrats, compare them to Democrats. It’s a bass-ackwards way of reaching out to the middle sans any real action by saying someone is like a conservative when they aren’t.

The media creates unnecessary drama for itself by presenting complete falsehoods to the public with the expectation that we’re the media and by that qualifier alone you’ll believe us. We’re not so far gone down that Orwellian road that people will accept such things without rejecting them outright.


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