Washington Post Bigotry: Marine Corps Commandant Should Resign, Because He Raised Concerns About DADT?!

The Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James Amos, gave his honest assessment of what the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would mean to the Marine Corps. Now that it’s passed, he has said that he will enforce the new law. But that’s not enough for some on the Left. Richard Cohen of the Washington Post is calling for his head, asking for General Amos to resign. Cohen, with his full intolerance on display, says that in voicing his concerns about repealing the law, General Amos was “one step short of being a bigot.”

What did General Amos exactly say about DADT? Merely that with open homosexuals in the military there might be “distractions” that would sap away combat effectiveness. “Mistakes and inattention or distractions cost Marines’ lives,” he said, fearing that the repeal of the law would mean more casualties. “It’s unit cohesion,” he said. “It’s combat effectiveness.” General Amos was simply being a good leader in raising these concerns. He was trying to take care of those under his charge and protecting the fighting capabilities of his country.

People like Cohen, who have never run anything but a keyboard and who’s understanding of “unit cohesion” means standing around the water cooler at the Washington Post, are the real bigots here. Now that DADT has been repealed, will the blood-letting of those opposed to its repeal begin? Never underestimate the intolerance of the Left.


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