Germany’s influential Der Spiegel shows how delusional they are with an editorial about the decline of Obama in America. There is no attempt here to understand the Tea Party movement or what it represents. As usual, the European Left is comfortable simply repeating old lies about conservatives which will help them feel smug and superior. Obama’s failures, the paper says, have less to do with Obama’s vision and weaknesses and everything to do with this whacky crazy country called America. For example, the paper editorializes that things in America are so bad “only the major newspapers still provide intelligent analysis.” And the discontented driving the anti-Obama train are “older white hate mongers [who] maker loud noises.” And compared to Bush, Obama is a true gentleman. “Naturally, Barack Obama reacts in a more mature, adult way than his predecessor, George W. Bush.”
Read the whole thing if you want to get truly incensed.