Rachel Maddow and MSNBC have shown repeatedly that they see the people of Oklahoma City as tools.


Though, this it isn’t only MSNBC that uses Oklahoma City to play the Christians Can Be Radicals Too Card – Whoopi Goldberg used it just last week with Bill O’Reilly. Speaking only for myself, as someone who heard the thunder of the bomb, those references churn my stomach and I’ve seen it do worse to the survivors and surviving family members.

As an example of “extremists” being elected to office, Maddow uses the example of former Congressman Stockman of Texas. She makes the blatantly false claim that Congressman Stockman was tied “so close” to the “militia movement” that he received early warning of the Oklahoma City bombing. That was fleeting rumor disproven in 1995 by the FBI and by the former Congressman’s office.

Rachel Maddow already used the Oklahoma City bombing 15th anniversary for a disgusting documentary of McVeigh’s life by replaying the final tapes of McVeigh discussing how he planned the bombing and was completely unrepentant for his actions. She played quotes from McVeigh for viewers such as, “You’re not the first mom who’s lost a son,” and “they just need to get over it.” Although Maddow’s documentary actually showed otherwise, she concluded that McVeigh’s ties to a “militia movement” is what fueled his desire for destruction rather than his own psychological problems and the fact that he was a complete loner. Setting aside the obvious inhumanity it takes for someone to use the deaths of fellow Americans for political gain, Rachel Maddow’s invocation of the Oklahoma City bombing once again shows the desperation of the left. It appears in these last few weeks leading up to the election, there really is nothing sacred.

If MSNBC and Maddow are using the deaths of the men, women, and children of Oklahoma City this close to election day for a scare tactic, it makes one wonder how low they will actually go before November 2nd. It is shameless, it is sad, but it is no longer surprising. The great news is that we the people will have our say on who are the “extremists” in November.