Thug Beckel Threatens Pam Geller on Fox Business Network

Here’s something you don’t hear very often from a Fox News Contributor “You’re a woman, you better be careful about saying who I carry water for,” but that was the threat Bob Beckel made to my friend, Pamela Geller editor of Atlas Shrugs and Big Journalism contributor during a heated exchange on Eric Bolling’s Fox Business News show Money Rocks last night.

[youtube GcqT55r8jWE nolink]

After a discussion of the 60 Minutes report on the Ground Zero mosque controversy (that ran the night before) Bolling brought in Ahmed Rehab of CAIR who instead of discussing the Mosque stooped to calling Ms. Geller names. That’s the same CAIR that was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Terrorist funding case and as recently as this past March, whose terrorist ties were reaffirmed by the FBI.

Then Beckel, looking visibly angry was brought in to discuss an insensitive statement during his last appearance on Money Rocks, in which he said,

Look, at some point, I know it’s sensitive here in New York and probably New Jersey, but we have to get over 9/11.”

Beckel’s response to the query about his statement to tear into Pamela, saying that on her site she once said she felt President Obama was an anti-Semite.

Obviously Beckel felt intimidated by Geller because he could not even look at her while he started his childish name calling. But as he got his “sea legs” the progressive apologist began to get abusive toward Pamela, still unable to look her in the eye:

Geller: I would like to address Mr. Beckel’s point. I don’t know why you’re carrying water for the most radical, intolerant ideology in the world today. There have been 20,000 documented radical Islamic attacks since 9/11. Each one with the imprimatur of a Muslim cleric…

Beckel: You better be very careful. You’re a woman, you better be very careful about who you say I carry water for, because you have no idea what you’re talking about. And don’t start putting me in the middle of your crap!

Geller: Don’t you point to me!

Beckel: I’ll point to you all I want!

Geller: Don’t you point to me. You’re a misogynist.

Beckel: You’re getting yourself fifteen minutes, you get yourself fifteen minutes of fame because you’re (Bolling) picking on a bunch of Muslims.

Geller: You’re picking on a bunch of women. You’re a woman hater.

Beckel: A woman hater? A woman hater?

Geller: Look how you’re talking to me. It’s outrageous.

Beckel: You are nuts.

Geller: Yeah, I’m nuts.”

According to Geller’s account Beckel continued to spew venom during the commercial break.

“When we cut to break, Beckel chided Bolling for not bringing “Jewish slumlords” on the show (referring to Bolling’s segment on Imam Rauf’s status as a New Jersey slumlord, so named in a lawsuit against Rauf by Union City). When I heard Beckel’s Jew-hating belch, I said, “and you’re an anti-Semite.” He told me to “kiss his ass,” to which I responded that he would never get anyone anywhere in the world to get with that.”


In the spirit of full disclosure, Pamela Geller has been my friend since I started blogging. There are people in the world who see a wrong, give a quick “oh that’s so sad” and get on with their lives. Then there are others who see a wrong and go all out to right it. That’s Pamela someone who goes out of her way to do what we call in Hebrew, Tikun Olam, repair the world. Her heart is the size of a skyscraper. She will grab a wrong by the neck and do whatever she can to eradicate the evil. For example when honor killing victim, Aqsa Parvez, was buried without a tombstone Pamela raised money for Aqsa to have a memorial.

Pamela has thrown her weight into the fight to prevent a mosque being built on the ground zero site, not because she believes that mosques should not be allowed to be built in New York City, but because she feels empathy with the families and victims. She feels the pain of those who see a mosque on the site of a terrorist attack made in the name of Allah as a deliberate attack on their memory. Many of these victims feel the real purpose of the mosque is to steal the heritage of the site, that the Muslim tradition is to place mosques (or even to destroy) the religious, or sacred sites of others to usurp the tradition of others.

Is Bob Beckel a woman hater? I can’t answer that. What is clear is that he is nothing but a bully with a microphone who thinks he can shut women up by threatening them. What is also clear that while people like Pamela Geller are making the effort to repair the world, he is just sitting around criticizing their efforts. Maybe it’s time for Beckel to get off his high horse and start taking some real action, instead of trying to bully women.


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