During Delaware’s primary last night Karl Rove was one of the analysts who sat with Sean Hannity on Fox News hashing out the results of the polls in several states. During his comments on Delaware’s winning candidate Christine O’Donnell, Rove eviscerated her as a loser even though she had just won the primary.
Rove claimed that O’Donnell is “nutty” and came straight out saying that O’Donnell cannot win the election in November.
Now, Rove is certainly entitled to his opinion and if he truly believes that O’Donnell cannot win in the general, then he should feel free to say so and we should accept it as such. But in this case we have a problem believing that Rove’s analysis is simply his honest opinion when we find out from The Freedomist that Rove was trying to cut a pre-primary deal to help Mike Castle to win the primary.
Representative Castle, O’Donnell’s opponent, seemed to know that his record as a Congressional RINO was something that voters were finally finding distasteful after his many years in Congress so to the rescue came “The Architect,” Rove, attempting to fix it all for Castle.
Sources at the Christine O’Donnell victory party revealed to The Freedomist that in December of last year Karl Rove met with Tea Party leaders in Dover, Delaware trying to get them to cut a “deal” in which they would leave Mike Castle alone and NOT support O’Donnell.
So here we have Rove acting the disinterested analyst on TV trashing the winning primary candidate while at the same time having been a partisan player for the loser, team Castle.
Fox News should require Rove to speak to this apparent conflict. If he really did act as a helpmate for Rep. Mike Castle, this damages Rove’s veracity as an independent conservative analyst. You can’t be both a political player and an autonomous, disinterested observer.
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