Over at Big Peace, the Center for Security Policy’s Christine Brim reveals that Politico — an organization wanting to be known for unbiased reporting– has begun harassing the Center and other individuals, demanding details of their involvement with opposition to the Ground Zero Mosque.
Even the relentless push to tar Tea Party participants as “racists” takes a backseat to the breathtaking contempt in the mainstream media’s campaign to demonize the 70% of Americans opposed to the Ground Zero Mosque. And the “professional left” has now jumped into the fray.
According to Brim:
Best-selling author Robert Spencer captured the Politico style perfectly at Jihadwatch on August 19:
Cost of New York bus ads: $10,000
Cost of press release: $1,500
Cost of watching the lapdog media track the sources of these sums while ignoring the questionable funding of a $100 million dollar mosque: Priceless.
I just got a call from Kenneth P. Vogel of Politico, asking me a series of questions about donations to our efforts against the Ground Zero mega-mosque, and growing increasingly hostile and belligerent when I declined to answer. Vogel even said to me at one point, “Look, you can make this hard, or you can make this easy” — apparently he has been watching too many “Law and Order” reruns.
We received similar overtures from Mr. Vogel on August 24, although as a matter of policy we respond to these kinds of queries only by email. In his initial email to us, he implied a moral equivalency between “both sides” – which would be in our view, on the one hand, the $100 million funding for the Ground Zero Mosque (possibly from Saudi Arabia and even Iran), and on the other hand, any donations U.S. groups or individuals have given to the 9-11 families and firemen opposing the Ground Zero Mosque. He wrote:
“I am writing a story about the funding of the groups in the mosque debate (both sides, don’t worry)…”
Pelosi, it seems, cannot imagine an American public – in this case, 140 million Americans – independently making up their minds to oppose the mosque. She imagines instead that there must be funding at the George Soros/Saudi Prince millionaire levels customary for the leftwing fringe. She cannot imagine that the American people could decide on their own to oppose the policies of this administration – or, in the case of the Ground Zero Mosque, the policies of the House of Saud.
Just as Pelosi said that we had to pass the Healthcare Bill to find out what’s in it, she and Bloomberg have taken the position that we have to allow the mosque to be built to find out Rauf’s plans for Shariah in America. If Americans disagree, they must be investigated.
What still survives of the dwindling mainstream media is similarly puzzled: see TIME Magazine’s plaintive headline: “Is America Islamophobic?” Answer: no, but increasingly America has SIRJ Syndrome: Shariah-Immune and Resistant to Jihad.
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