Thank goodness the activist old media has something to distract them from the disaster being created by the Cold Hearted Social Engineer in the White House.
They have Hurricane Katrina to talk about again.
This week marks the 5th anniversary of the hurricane and disaster caused by George W. Bush. Whew! Thank goodness, they can start talking about Evil Bush again. (Yes, RFK, Jr., said Bush caused the hurricane by derailing the Kyoto Protocol thus increasing CO2 pollution—he also predicted an onslaught of hurricanes to follow Katrina because of George W. Bush.)
NBC is planning a special Meet the Press from New Orleans on Sunday to no doubt bring up their favorite issue, George W. Bush and his horrible failures.
Since we are now five years beyond the hurricane, let me tell you what the true disasters of Katrina were, and these are the things that the media will likely intentionally miss in their anniversary analysis. Some of us spotted these at the time, but now that the media now has the advantage of hindsight (which is supposed to be 20/20) so they only way they get it wrong now is if they want to get it wrong.
1) Government cannot save us.
The American left and its media believes that it is government’s job to save us all. I don’t care whether we’re talking about local, state or national government—it rarely has the power to save us. This is the most devastating fallout from Katrina, the fact that people think government is there to save us. The message was loud and clear from the media—“it is government’s job to save us.” Yes, I think Mayor Ray Nagin should’ve used the buses to save his people, but he didn’t. Yes, I think Governor Kathleen Blanco should’ve called in the National Guard sooner, but she didn’t, and yes, I wish Bush would’ve responded faster with the recovery days after the Coast Guard was called in to pick people off their roofs, but he didn’t. Wait for government to save you, and you may never be saved.
2) Failure of the Welfare State.
Three generations of Democrat promises to the people of New Orleans were exposed when the levees broke. Democrat “leaders” in New Orleans had promised these good people that they would care for them from cradle to grave, just vote Democrat when you are bused to the polling places (the buses worked fine on Election Day.) The Democrat Welfare State was exposed on those rooftops that day.
It took at least 70 years to falsely teach those Americans that government would save them (see #1.) When they needed government most, it was not there for them. Imagine that? The media missed the real story behind those on the rooftops. Why were they still there? They were waiting for government to save them as promised.
3) Failure of the media to be accurate.
The media got as many stories wrong with Katrina as it got right. The headlines of the day shouted “Tens of Thousands Dead, Thousands Dead in the Superdome, Superdome Destroyed, Toxic Soup Floods New Orleans, Bush Hates Black People” (Oh, that was Kanye West, but the media helped him spread that message.) The tragedy is that more than 1,800 people died, 1,400 of those in New Orleans. Of those who died in New Orleans the large majority died because the levees (promised to be secure by all levels of government–see #1) broke. Had the money dedicated to the levees been spent where it was intended, they would’ve held and perhaps the number dead would’ve been in the dozens, not the hundreds. It was the levees’ breaking that caused the major damage, not the hurricane itself—the media seemed to blow by that fact in 2005.
Over the years local Louisiana government (Democrat dominated) squandered the money that was supposed to go towards strengthening the levees. If the levees hold, you have the same story in New Orleans that you saw in other Gulf cities.
4) Charity and free enterprise work
Charity never faileth. Churches, charity and capitalism are what kept Katrina from being worse. The list is long of churches that were on the scene before government to help those in need. Imagine that, churches will always be better at charity than the government. The National Guard actually kept many charitable groups out of the city because of safety concerns perpetuated by false reporting by the media of the dangers in New Orleans.
While the U.S. Coast Guard was there as quickly as possible to save lives, groups like the American Red Cross and others were not far behind, even Wal-Mart beat government to the punch.
This will be a big week for the media to recreate what happened in Katrina to make themselves look like heroes and to make Bush look bad, once again. They will recount the many awards they gave each other for what they saw as excellent coverage and they will repeat the mantra that it is government’s job to save us. If there is a disaster in my neighborhood, I will work to save myself, my family and my neighbors — only then will I call 911.
I will hope and pray for the best. I will not call Obama, then blame him when he can’t save me (see #1.)