Rush Limbaugh this week on the JournoList:

All right, there is a huge story out there today, but it could be even bigger, and it should be even bigger. It is from Chatsworth Osborne Jr.’s website, The Daily Caller, and it is about this Journolist, and what it shows is something that we have known all along, and that is that there’s not just media coordination in order to advance the Democrat Party agenda and to rip and ridicule, criticize Republicans and conservatives. It’s not just coordination. It is an outright propaganda campaign.

Jonathan Strong has the story: “Documents Show Media Plotting to Kill Stories About Rev. Jeremiah Wright.” But it’s far more than that. Here’s one of the great pull quotes from this story: “In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, ‘Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.'”So liberals don’t just lie, they lie to destroy people. No smear is too low or outrageous when it comes to conservatives. But what this story misses is it portrays the people involved in this Journolist as basically a bunch of obscure left-wing bloggers working for small-time websites and magazines like The Nation and the Washington Independent and so forth, when in fact this is pervasive throughout what is called the mainstream media.

So something that you and I have known instinctively all along has now been confirmed by the people at the Journolist, these people are in collusion. They’re not journalists whatsoever. And any of you in this audience, if you are a journalism school graduates you ought to be ripped to shreds over this. There is a journalist conspiracy out there, we’ve all known it, it existed to elect Obama, it exists today to reelect Democrats and Obama, and it’s done so for years and years and years…

So to say that this is just a small-time blogosphere that’s involved in collusion is a big mistake. It’s no accident Bob Schieffer has no idea about the New Black Panther Party. It’s no accident that Charlie Gibson — what was the story that he had no idea about while he was on vacation? ACORN. It was no accident Charlie Gibson didn’t know about the ACORN tapes that Breitbart had uncovered. He didn’t know about it. If it’s not in TIME Magazine, if it’s not on the other two networks or any of the three, if it’s not on CNN, not in the New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, they don’t know about it. They’re insulated. They live and exist for each other. You and I are three times as informed as the so-called veneered fourth estate. You and I know more about what’s going on in this country than they do, and they are the ones with the arrogant condescension looking down on all of us. The only way they can discredit us is to call us names.

“Could be even bigger?” Rush’s wish is our command.