Wow. What an amazing transformation America saw across the mainstream media spectrum yesterday. Suddenly their collective righteous indignation-gene kicked in over false charges of racism. The real question is, how long will this last? I’m guessing right up until it’s yet another critic of the Obama administration who’s once again falsely accused of racism.
At Big Government, Andrew Breitbart posts a story with accompanying video to make his case that a crowd at the NAACP — who had no idea they we’re listening to a story of reconciliation — quite obviously enjoyed Shirley Sherrod’s tale of a white farmer getting screwed because he was white. And in their first written statement, the NAACP agreed with Breitbart:
The reaction from many in the audience is disturbing. We will be looking into the behavior of NAACP representatives at this local event and take any appropriate action.
That statement came directly from NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous, who then went on to condemn Ms. Sherrod as “shameful” before reviewing the whole video of her speech, which, incidentally, has always been in the NAACP’s possession.
And this isn’t the first time a crowd at the NAACP has found racism hilarious.
On top of the NAACP condemnation, Ms. Sherrod was also then fired from her job as the Georgia director of rural development by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack — a decision the White House stood behind.
See how that works?
Breitbart offers more than enough context to make his overall point about the NAACP audience’s troubling (to say the least) reaction to an act of overt racism, but without enough context to justify firing her — without offering Ms. Sherrod the opportunity to present her side of the story, both the NAACP and the Obama administration throw her under that now infamous bus.
And today the media is all-consumed by the narrative of someone being falsely accused of racism. Well, where was all this concern about false charges of racism when a number of exculpatory videos were found proving that Democrat members of Congress lied about everyday Americans in the form of Tea Party protesters shouting racial slurs?
Where was all this concern about racism after a Department of Justice whistle-blower named J. Christian Adams testified on-the-record about ongoing and systematic discrimination at the DOJ?
Where’s the concern about false charges of racism when proof is uncovered that one of the MSM’s very own — Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent — encouraged hundreds of his fellow JournoListers to brand Karl Rove, Fred Barnes or anyone handy, as racist in order to take the Jeremiah Wright heat off of then-candidate Obama?
Do you think we will ever hear anything about that story?
Once again the corrupt media’s choosing of what is and is not worth covering exposes them for the leftist ideologues they really are. And they don’t give a damn about Shirley Sherrod. Same woman, same situation, but a member of the Tea Party and the whole event would be memory-holed.
The only reason the MSM is upset with Obama and the White House over this incident is because they’re interpreting the firing of Ms. Sherrod as the administration caving to the right. In their eyes, that was the only wrong that was done here.
If the media cared about false charges of racism, the media would care about false charges of racism. Videos proving that hundreds of everyday Americans were falsely smeared as racists by members of Congress, and not a chirp was heard from this crowd.
This media storm isn’t about racism, isn’t about Shirley Sherrod, and certainly isn’t about journalism. The Palace Guards are merely teaching Obama a lesson for daring to express concern over what Glenn Beck might think.