In case you’re wondering who this is, his name is Col. Allen West, and he’s a candidate for Congress in Florida. Col. West is running against Ron Klein in the 22nd district, which includes Broward and Palm Beach counties in south Florida; one might think an intelligent, articulate (he speaks without a teleprompter!), plain-spoken African American with a provable record of leadership and accomplishment (and some controversy in his military background) would be catnip to the MSM, but one would be wrong.

The media hit its high-water mark of electoral influence with its elevation of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency in 2008, but with that accomplishment now ebbing away like the livelihood of the Gulf States in the face of the oil spill and the federal government’s continuing, inexplicable inaction, about all that’s left for them is to act as blocking backs: they know you’ll never trust them again, but they can still deny the oxygen of publicity to candidates they’d just as soon see defeated or destroyed.


Hard to argue with West’s sentiment in this clip, harder still to argue with the fact that he receives next to no attention by the MSM, which is plainly terrified of him. When physical cowardice meets ideological malevolence, what you get is the MSM. Col. West and men and women like him are just the antidote for them.

Wouldn’t you love to see Col. West on Meet the Press?