It’s become a familiar story: confronted with almost any form of opposition, the self-righteous left skips over the informed-debate part of the political dialogue and immediately resorts to vitriol, if not outright violence. The “peaceful” and “tolerant” mask slips, and it’s not a pretty sight; the breathtaking moral and spiritual ugliness of these people has to be seen to be believed.

It happened recently when Helen Thomas, journalism’s crazy old aunt in the attic, was asked a question about Israel, was confronted by a flip-cam and thus ended her storied career as, well, journalism’s crazy old aunt in the attic.

Now comes Congresscritter Bob Etheridge (D, N.C.), who flipped out in front of another flip-cam. By now, you’ve all seen this video, which is currently Topic A among the political set:


Seems like a pretty clear case of unprovoked assault, right? Well, not if you’re a Democrat, or one of the die-hard dead-enders who pass for newsreaders over at MSNBC. In this case, it’s the lovely and talented Tamron Hall, dutifully carrying the water for her Democrat overloads as — incredibly — the media defense of Congressman Etheridge begins:


In the rapid-fire, rapid-response war of the words in cyberspace, this is a terrific job by the partisans at MSNBC, the low-rated cable channel populated by faux-populists, former leg-tinglers, Rhodes Scholars and, of course, the super-special special commenter himself. To try and turn the focus of the story away from Etheridge’s irresponsible, indefensible and possibly criminal behavior to the as-yet unnamed students is intellectual dishonesty of the highest order. But, alas, typical, of the Tu Quoque Left. Still, as long as we’re on the subject:


During the 2006 campaign, the Washington Post effectively torpedoed Sen. George Allen’s re-election campaign by making a federal case — more than a dozen front-page stories — out of Allen’s calling a Democrat video stalker “macaca,” whatever that meant. As you can see from the clip above, Allen made an off-hand reference, using a nonsense word, and the left went batty trying to divine the hidden racism implicit in Allen’s goofy remark. Allen paid for his media-manufactured “macaca” tempest with his Senate seat.

In the case of Congressman Etheridge, no such good humor is evident. Instead what you see is the snarling face of a trapped animal — one who knows the end is nearing for him, his party, its paid thugocracy and its deeply anti-American legislative agenda. With Helen Thomas’s head still fresh on its pike, Etheridge and his ilk now understand that there’s nowhere to run to, no place to hide.

Naturally, Etheridge quickly issued a non-apology apology, another standard trope in the increasingly threadbare leftist arsenal. You could probably write it yourselves, but for the record, here goes:

I have seen the video posted on several blogs. I deeply and profoundly regret my reaction and I apologize to all involved. Throughout my many years of service to the people of North Carolina, I have always tried to treat people from all viewpoints with respect. No matter how intrusive and partisan our politics can become, this does not justify a poor response. I have and I will always work to promote a civil public discourse.

Well, Congressman, you have “always tried” but in this case you abjectly failed. And if you’re really interested in promoting “a civil public discourse..” well, pardon our disbelief. Your actions speak louder than your words.