The shameless media manipulators at the DNC have a new campaign designed to promote Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. As with previous campaigns, the “Kagan for Justice Action Center” is run via a special website set up by Organizing for America. It encourages people to write letters to the editors of newspapers nationwide (And we can presume that, as before, local newspapers will publish DNC talking points without realizing it).

What’s new is that the DNC is now branching out to Astroturf talk radio as well. Here’s how the page looks on their website:

As you can see, the first person that came up when I visited was Sean Hannity. However there are more than two dozen shows that you can call by clicking the “Find another show” button. The list includes nearly all of the right’s top talkers: Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Michael Medved, Michael Savage and Hugh Hewitt. Notably absent: Rush Limbaugh.

Rounding out OFA’s list of shows to call are: Focus on the Family, Roger Hedgecock, Randi Rhodes, Mike Gallagher, Al Sharpton, Talk of the Nation, Jayne Carroll, Fred Thompson, Stephanie Miller, Barry Farber, Jerry Doyle, Dennis Miller, Ed Schultz, Dr. Laura, Diane Rehm, Democracy Now!, Al Mohler, Neal Boortz, Jay Sekulow, Lars Larson, Mission Network News and Thru-the-Bible.

Yes, the DNC wants you to call Thru-the-Bible to discuss Elena Kagan.

The suggested calling tips do say to be civil, but do not say to identify oneself as an OFA “seminar caller.” Talking points for Kagan-callers appear in the sidebar:

In case there’s any doubt this is government approved Astroturf, these same talking points were being passed around by Dem operatives more than two weeks ago. According to the Huffington Post, they appeared “just minutes” after the President introduced Kagan. The Kagan for Justice Action Center was even given a boost by the President’s Facebook page back on May 24th:

So if you’re listening to talk radio and hear a caller raving about Elena Kagan, chances are the DNC sent them. Barack Obama, the former community organizer, is now the Astroturfer-in-Chief.