It looks like “reporter” Arthur Delaney has a new moonlighting gig as Assistant Communications Director for SEIU and he’s so tired he accidentally posted a PR piece for the beleaguered union at his day job at the Huffington Post.

As noted at Big Government today, a gang of SEIU intimidators stormed the front lawn of Bank of America Deputy General Counsel Greg Baer this past weekend in an attempt to bully him into changing B of A’s policies toward foreclosures, or so they claimed.

In Fortune Magazine, columnist Nina Easton reported on the protest and made note of the fact that SEIU is actively trying to organize the bank tellers at B of A — and by the way, SEIU owes the bank four million dollars. But never mind all that, SEIU just cares about “the little guy.”

But, the main thrust of Easton’s article in Fortune is the fact that she happens to be Greg Baer’s neighbor. The issue of hundreds of protesters bused in from various states to block traffic and scream through a bull horn on a peaceful suburban street on a Sunday afternoon transcends politics. This is about common decency and co-existing in a civil society — qualities that elude the modern fascist left.

In a rhetorical flourish meant to shame the SEIU thugocracy into taking a glimpse into the mirror to see what they’ve become, Easton skewers them with the cruelest cut of all:

Targeting homes and families seems to put SEIU in the ranks of (now jailed) radical animal-rights activists and the Kansas anti-gay fundamentalists harassing the grieving parents of a dead 20-year-old soldier at his funeral (the Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on the latter). But that’s not a conversation that SEIU officials want to have.

This is where Delaney comes in. His headline at Huffington Post screams:

Nina Easton, Fortune Columnist, Compares Bank Protesters To ‘God Hates Fags’ Group

He then dutifully repeats the talking points spewed out from SEIU blogger John Vandeventer who “exposed” the real reason behind Easton’s post. No, it’s not the fact that there were hundreds of strangers clogging her street, disturbing the peace and blocking traffic. It’s not because she’s a journalist, and when news is being made right in front of your eyes, you write about it. And no, it wasn’t even because her two-year-old child was woken from a nap due to the ruckus (if they woke my kid up I’d be in a rage).

No, with classic leftist logic and reasoning, Vandeveter reveals Easton’s real motive behind her column. Follow along now: Her husband, Russell Schriefer, owns a PR firm and one of the PR firm’s clients is the Business Roundtable. And a member of the Business Roundtable is B of A CEO Brian Moynihan.

Wow! Major bust, right!??! Well, not if you also reveal (which neither Vandeventer nor Delaney do) that there are more than one hundred and fifty members of the Business Roundtable.

But, never mind that… Easton wasn’t really upset about the noise and intimidation in her neighborhood or her child being disturbed, or just doing her job. No, she just took the opportunity of a random SEIU “protest” in her neighborhood in order to carry water for her husband who is accommodating the CEO of the firm Baer works for, who just so happens to be one of 150 members of a group that is one of her husband’s clients. Follow that? Yeah, me neither.

But here’s the kicker, neither did anyone else.

In fact 24 hours after Vandeventer’s “blockbuster” post at the SEIU blog, the story had only been picked up by one other blogger, Delaney at the Huffington Post. That is, until 2:00 p,m, PDT today. That’s when it was picked up by our good friends, the Soros-funded hacks and non-entities at Media Matters.

You know it’s a problem when Huffington Post is beating those guys in regurgitating SEIU propaganda.