Life Imitates 'The Godfather' — Did Somebody Make the Dems 'An Offer They Couldn't Refuse?'

Historians will someday document the pressure that Democrat Party leaders put on their members in Congress to vote for the “health care” bill. Until then, we mainly rely on leaked stories and accounts offered by House members willing to talk. But there is this one other source we can look to for hints of what’s happening to Democrat House members behind the scenes.

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President Obama and Chicago’s Mayor Daley share a political advisor: David Axelrod. Plus, Axelrod and Rahm “Rahmbo” Emanuel worked together on Democrat Paul Simon‘s 1984 election to the U.S. Senate. It’s all in the family, so to speak.

[youtube a6w8meybAdw nolink]

Daley attacked the reporter when he was asked a question pertaining to the suicide death of Chicago School Board President Michael Scott. Watch His Honor’s response here.

It reminds you of this:

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Starting to get the hang of it?


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