With Healthcare Summit Over, Dr. Obama Says: Flossing Is the Cure for What Ails Us

Who’s your daddy? Sounds like Barack Obama wants that role. Or perhaps mommy, I’m not sure.

During his recent visit to Las Vegas, one of the gems of wisdom that Barack Obama shared with the audience at Green Valley High School is to tell us to floss.

President Obama took audience questions, they were not broadcast widely by the media and they seemed fabricated. The first four questions had to do with healthcare. The second question came from a dentist and Obama took it upon himself to tell the people in attendance to make sure to floss. Twice he said it. Floss.


What have we elected here? My parents told me to floss—my wife sometimes reminds me to floss, and occasionally I do it on my own. Did we elect a President of the United States of America to tell us to floss?

The President began his Q & A session by saying he was going to rotate between “boy girl, boy girl”. He said it twice. He was at a high school, but the questions came from adults. “Boy girl, boy girl.” I wondered if I was listening to a child as he spoke, or if he was treating me as a child, or both. Much of what he said seemed infantile. He began by saying “wazzzup Henderson.” I was waiting for him to follow it with, “yo, yo, yo.”

What Las Vegans were really waiting for, did not happen. During the hour long speech and Q & A session Obama did not apologize for his recent statements telling people not to come to Las Vegas and spend their money. He in fact, ignored those statements in which he singled out Las Vegas for scorn and instead talked about how much fun it is to come to Vegas and spend money. He even sort of encouraged the audience to spend money in Vegas (BTW, we are already here Mr. President—we spend our money every day in Vegas).


I was waiting to hear him back up a bit, say he was sorry, or at least try to explain. Instead, he ignored it totally as if he never said it in the first place. “Disingenuous” is the kindest word I can come up with right now. Obama talked about tourism when he was asked about it from the audience, but ignored his statement from earlier this month when he discouraged tourism to Las Vegas. This President clearly does not apologize on camera ever. He does not want video of him saying he’s sorry. It clearly will not happen. He wouldn’t do it on camera after his swipe at Special Olympics, he didn’t do it with Las Vegas.

Also during the Q & A, Harry Reid and Obama said they are going to start promoting America around the world with advertising. They have a plan to pass legislation that would do public relations for America around the world. Seriously: public-relations legislation. Reid mentioned the countries around the world that promote themselves with advertising, and how America needs to start doing the same.

Do they know the best way to promote America around the world? We have done it for 230 years and it’s been pretty effective. Promote freedom. “Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Maybe they’ve heard that line before. Now they apparently have a plan to pay an advertising agency to promote America around the world.

Holy hell, what have we become? Liberty will soon a 30-second spot on a TV in the south of France—although I’m thinking that Liberty won’t be their theme. Who knows what it’ll be, can’t wait to see what Harry and Barack cook up. Who gets to pay for these ads? (You know the answer).


Obama spent more time talking about global warming than he did about jobs. This president does not get it. Earlier this month at the State of the Union, I thought the President was going to focus on jobs, jobs, jobs and more jobs. Nevada has more than 13% unemployment and the President spends ten minutes talking about global warming, Disconnect anyone?

As for jobs, Obama spent about three seconds talking directly about jobs. In fact, he spent more time telling Las Vegans to floss than he did discussing jobs. I’m headed to the bathroom now, but it’s not to floss.


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