Tech - Page 6

Hypocrite Alert: Stanford Prof Accused of Using AI to Write Legal Document Attacking AI-Generated Deepfakes

A leading “misinformation expert” has come under fire for citing seemingly nonexistent sources in an affadavit supporting Minnesota’s new law banning some AI-generated deepfakes. Opposing lawyers claim the Stanford professor used AI to write his legal document, which backfired when the system “hallucinated” by generating false references to imaginary academic papers.

robot in a dunce cap

Rob Reiner Returns to X/Twitter After Kamala’s Defeat, Says Left Must Create ‘Information Distribution System’ to Combat ‘Disinformation’

Rob Reiner has posted his first message to X / Twitter following Kamala Harris’ loss to President-elect Donald Trump two weeks ago. In his brief message, he urged the left to build a “competitive information distribution system” to combat “disinformation” — a baffling suggestion since the left already controls the vast majority of the corporate news media and nearly all online search engines.

HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - APRIL 12: Comedian Rob Reiner speaks at a ceremony honoring Billy