Microsoft Adds OpenAI’s ChatGPT Technology to Bing Search Engine

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shows his fist ( Stephen Brashear /Getty)
Stephen Brashear /Getty

Tech giant Microsoft has announced that following its recent investment in OpenAI, the ChatGPT chatbot will be integrated with its search engine Bing. The move could make Bing a tougher competitor for Google, which utterly dominates the search market.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Microsoft has announced that its Bing search engine will now use the same technology as the well-known chatbot ChatGPT. This action is intended to help Bing gain momentum and compete with Google in the search market. The chatbot was created by OpenAI, which received billions of dollars from Microsoft, and Microsoft is now incorporating the technology into several of its products.

OpenAI founder Sam Altman, creator of ChatGPT

OpenAI founder Sam Altman, creator of ChatGPT (TechCrunch/Flickr)

Google boss Sundar Pichai is masked up (Drew Angerer /Getty)

Due to ChatGPT’s success, Microsoft may now be at the forefront of what is thought to be the next significant technological advancement in the area of generative artificial intelligence. By incorporating the technology into Bing, a new type of search will be created that enables users to ask the search engine questions in natural language and receive prompt responses and recommendations.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said during the introduction of this new technology: “I think this technology is going to reshape pretty much every software category” He continued by saying that the advancement of AI-powered search is equally important to web browsers and mobile devices. Contrary to ChatGPT, which was unable to respond to inquiries about current affairs, the updated Bing makes use of more recent technology created especially for search engines. This will enable it to access the most recent data and offer links to show where its answers are sourced.

Google is also planning to introduce Bard, a conversational AI service, in the coming weeks. Bard responds to queries from users by generating answers based on data gathered from the internet. In the meantime, Chinese internet behemoth Baidu has confirmed plans to introduce Ernie Bot, an AI chatbot, in March.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently claimed that he hopes AI systems like OpenAI can one day “break capitalism.”

Meanwhile, ChatGPT demonstrates a significant leftist bias in its responses. As Breitbart News reported:

In a post to Substack, researcher David Rozado tested the political affiliations of the popular new chatbot ChatGPT. ChatGPT was developed by the AI research group OpenAI, founded by Sam Altman, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, and Jessica Livingston.

Rozado stated in his latest analysis that his first study of ChatGPT appeared to show a left-leaning political bias embedded in the answers and opinions given by the AI. Rozado conducted another analysis after the December 15 update of ChatGPT and noted that it appeared as if the political bias of the AI had been partially mitigated and that the system attempted to give multiple viewpoints when answering questions.

But after the January 15 update to the AI system, this mitigation appeared to have been reversed and the AI began to provide a clear preference for left-leaning viewpoints. Rozado then posted a number of political spectrum quiz’s and graphs, which can be found on his Substack here.


Read more at the Wall Street Journal here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan


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