FTC chairwoman Lina Khan, one of the highest-ranking federal appointments made by the Biden administration, will today speak at the Law and Political Economy project (LPE) of Yale Law School, an academic organization that has a syllabus on Soviet law, and hosts events with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

Khan will be speaking at a relatively tame event centered on the future of anti-monopoly laws and regulation. But the LPE has, in the recent past, dabbled in considerably more extremist topics.

Members of the Democratic Socialists of America gather outside of a Trump owned building on May Day on May 01, 2019 in New York City.  (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

US President Joe Biden steps off the podium after speaking during a visit at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) headquarters (Photo by SAMUEL CORUM/AFP via Getty Images)

The LPE recently teamed up with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) to sponsor a nakedly partisan event called “how we win.” According to the LPE’s own website, the goal of the event was to teach attendees how to advance the goals of socialism.

The event aimed to share “lessons and how-to experience from successful campaigns around the country, showing how democratic socialist organizers and coalitions can move forward, and achieve tangible wins in support of economic and social justice goals.”

The LPE also held an academic symposium on “socialist constitutionalism,” featuring contributions from a number of academics defending socialist models of government and economy.

As if to signal their open sympathies for the ideology, the LPE displayed the DSA rose logo at the head of all its symposium articles.

The LPE also has a number of academic syllabi, including “Soviet Law: its origins and development,” “designing real utopias,” and “Marxism and feminism.”

Khan has a long history at the LPE, having authored articles for the project since 2017. Now, as chairwoman of one of the most powerful regulatory bodies in DC, she is returning, despite the convention that FTC commissioners refrain from partisanship and ideological extremism.

Breitbart News has reached out to the FTC for comment.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.