Despite its status as one of the wokest companies in the world, including maintaining an official program to inject critical race theory into the field of programming, tech giant Google is facing a major lawsuit alleging it discriminates against black employees.

Even among the far-left tech giants of Silicon Valley, Google has a reputation for wokeness. The company invited Robin DiAngelo to give a talk on “white fragility” years before her presence became commonplace in corporate boardrooms. Its managers gave employees instruction manuals on recognizing “white dominant culture.” It maintains an entire program dedicated to “machine learning fairness,” the new academic disclipine attempting to blend critical race theory with computer science. And documents released through James Damore’s class-action lawsuit in 2018 revealed an atmosphere of unchecked, rampant hostility towards white males within the company.

Google walkout protest (Bryan R. Smith/Getty)

As a whistleblower told Breitbart News in 2017, senior leaders at Google “focus on diversity first and technology second.”

Even with this track record, it appears Google cannot escape the litigious machine of Diversity Inc. The tech giant is now being sued by a black female employee who alleges that the company engaged in “systemic racism” against her. Employee April Curley is represented by notorious attorney Ben Crump.

Via the Daily Mail:

April Curley, 34, began working for Google in 2014 but was fired in September 2020.

On Friday, she said managers at the search engine company actively thwarted their career ambitions — steering them to lower-level jobs, paying them less and denying them opportunities to advance because of their race.

‘While Google claims that they were looking to increase diversity, they were actually undervaluing, underpaying and mistreating their black employees,’ said Ben Crump, Curley’s lawyer Never Enough: Woke Google Sued by Black Employees for ‘Racism’ a high-profile civil rights advocate who has represented the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, among others.

In a TikTok video, Curley blamed allegedly racist attitudes at Google for the high dropout ratio of black employees at the company, alleging that the company “hates” black women.

“Black women are solely seen as DEI experts, and are expected to advance diversity initiatives across the organization internally and externally,” said Curley.

“Black women are sold a dream that if they do all the things, then they’ll be promoted. And that’s not what the data shows. They hate us.”

In a tweet, Curley also claimed that Google has “never, and I mean f***ing never” hired a student from a historically black college into a tech role.

The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California, and claims Google has a “racially biased corporate culture” that favors white males.

Google is a diverse company. Nearly 50 percent of its new hires in 2020 were “Asian+,” a category that includes both east Asians and Indians.

As of last year, 42.3 percent of all its employees, including CEO Sundar Pichai, fell into this category, while whites made up just 50.4 percent of the workforce. When non-tech jobs are excluded, the ratio of Asian+ to white employees increases rather than decreases, 48.3 percent to 46.6 percent. At the leadership level, Google is 29.4 percent Asian+ and 65.5 percent white.

Compared to the general U.S. population, this means non-white employees are heavily overrepresented at Google at both the leadership and general levels. According to census data, the U.S. is 72.4 percent white and 4.8 Asian.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.