Kyle Rittenhouse says he will be attending Arizona State University (ASU) in the spring 2022 semester, and that he will be going “in person.” His announcement comes just days after a firestorm of protest by campus leftists at the thought of Rittenhouse attending virtual classes.
The news that Kyle Rittenhouse plans to attend ASU comes after the university appeased leftists by stating, “Kyle Rittenhouse has not gone through the ASU admissions process,” adding, “University records show that he is not currently enrolled in any classes at ASU.”

Rittenhouse had reportedly been enrolled as an online student at the university, where a mob of left-wing students protested and called for his expulsion — despite Rittenhouse being acquitted of all charges.
The 18-year-old, however, told conservative commentator Steven Crowder in an interview on Wednesday, that he will be attending ASU this spring.
“I want to go to law school,” Rittenhouse said. “I’m going to ASU in the spring, in person. I want to do my four-year undergrad there before I take the LSAT and go do my three years of law.”
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“I took a compassionate withdrawal from my classes,” Rittenhouse explained. “My professors offered it, and then a week later they gave me a compassionate withdrawal, which, thank you for that.”
“But then [the school] came out with this statement saying, ‘Oh, no, no, no, he’s not enrolled at ASU anymore.’ I’m like, I’m enrolled. I’m just not in any classes. I’m admitted. I have a student portfolio,” the 18-year-old added.
“There weren’t even a lot of protesters there,” Rittenhouse said of the left-wing protest at ASU. “It was a very, very small amount. And then people are just, like, ‘Let him get an education.'”
Rittenhouse initially wanted to become a nurse, but after alleging “prosecutorial misconduct” in his own trial, he now hopes to become a criminal defense attorney.
“I want to be a criminal defense attorney,” Rittenhouse said. “I’m big on — no matter who the person is — I believe everybody deserves fair and good legal representation.”
Crowder reacted to Rittenhouse’s law school aspirations by quipping, “But hopefully before you finish [law school], you own Don Lemon’s house” — referring to the fact that the 18-year-old can sue many people, including media, for defamation.
You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.