YouTube Censors Family Research Council over Parental Rights Video

AP Photo/Reed Saxon
AP Photo/Reed Saxon

Google-owned YouTube censored the channel of FRC Action — the legislative affiliate of the Family Research Council (FRC), a socially conservative think tank — over a video discussing the Washington DC City Council’s decision to allow schools to vaccinate children against coronavirus without parental consent.

YouTube removed the video even though it contained no claims about the efficacy of vaccines, instead merely discussing the issue of parental rights and consent.

The President of FRC Action, Tony Perkins, addressed the censorship in a post on the organization’s website.

Via FRC Action:

That of which you shall not speak shall henceforth be called “misinformation.” No, that’s not a pithy quote from days gone by. It’s the new daily modus operandi of big tech. If they disagree with a position — or if they merely fear a position is disagreeable, the label “misinformation” is applied.

Case in point: YouTube removed a video of a “Washington Watch” discussion last week with Mary Holland, president and general counsel of Children’s Health Defense about the Washington, D.C. City Council’s move to authorize schools to administer vaccines to children as young as 11-years-old without parental consent. The now-banned video, which you can watch here on Rumble, was taken down by YouTube for allegedly offering “medical misinformation.” Nevermind that there was no discussion whatsoever of medical advice — the substance of the interview was focused on parental rights, consent, and notification. Even so, as the video was removed, we were issued a warning that further violations would result in channel restrictions. FRC has appealed YouTube’s ruling and is awaiting a response, but we’re not holding our breath.

If you’re not shocked at this news, it’s not surprising. Ours is not an unfamiliar story, and it seems that many conservatives are simply waiting around wondering when the cancel man will come for them. A new Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll shows that, when asked if “Facebook is censoring posts more often from conservatives, more often from the left, or does it apply standards equally,” a whopping 42 percent said conservatives were censored more often. Six months ago, “election integrity” were the keywords that raised flags. Today, it’s anything that remotely mentions a vaccine and doesn’t carry the registered trademark of the CDC. There are no neutral discussions if Biden administration talking points are not followed.

Breitbart News has reached out to Google for comment.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.


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